Illustrators need to make their arts sing through their professional identities, including business cards. They help convince future clients and promote the illustrator’s works in a real-life setting. Plus, having unique business cards means people are less likely to throw them away! If you want to know where to start, these seven business card ideas …
9 Most Cost-effective Graphic Design Software
Choosing the right graphic design software can be difficult for beginners. Many software products require purchase or subscription that are not cheap. If you just started a career in graphic design, you can make use of cheaper products that do the job well while you are honing your skills (and portfolio). Here are some nice …
5 Overlooked Skills of Every Good Graphic Designer
Graphic design is a technical field, but “technical” skills are not the only things you need to build a career in it. Beginner graphic designers often focus more on technical skills but forget to hone the more overlooked ones. This can result in being unable to follow the trend, having difficulties in client-designer interactions, and …
The Return of Anti-Design Trend to 2022
If you follow the recent graphic design trend, you will notice the return of the anti-design concept. The trend is going against the decade of restrained, “purposeful” design trend, which leaned toward minimalism. The explosive colors, rebellious style, and imaginative elements make anti-design a hot trend in 2022. What is Anti-Design Trend? Anti-design is a …
Why Escapism Inspires Design Trend 2022
The year 2022 sees the return of escapism as a graphic design trend. Despite being a common theme in the art world, escapism is back with full force to replace the restrained, minimalist trend. Artists and designers created escapist artworks during a pandemic to find respite from the stress and isolation. How does escapism affect …
Company Logos and Their Importance in Branding
It’s undeniable that every company needs a logo for its business. While this is common knowledge, some still don’t fully understand the importance of having a well-designed logo. Why does it have to look good? Why does a lot of effort have to be put into creating one? This article will explain just how essential …
5 Elements for Designing an Amazing Restaurant Logo
When designing a logo, you have to pay attention to what logo you want to create. This is to help you know what targets and objectives you want to shoot. By creating a logo design that matches the theme and target, the logo will be effective and efficient. For example, branding a foodservice company or …
How These 3 Logos Become Popular in Motor Sports
Motorsport or auto racing is a sports competition involving vehicles like cars, motorbikes, trucks, and others. The competition is not only between racing drivers but also between the vehicles themselves. Therefore, several racing teams in each competition fight together with their racing drivers. Running a racing team is not easy and can be very expensive …
7 Best Decorative Fonts for Music Concert Posters
Fonts, specifically decorative fonts, are an essential element to consider when designing gig posters. It has an incredible capacity to evoke feelings. The headline, the festival name, or theme is the first thing people notice when seeing the poster within split seconds. Posters or flyers should catch people’s attention and get them to come or …
How To Make A Good Slide For Business Presentation
Not everyone can make a good slide presentation. So, what are the advantages of having a good slide for a presentation? Creating attractive slides requires special skills. In the business world, presentation is used to present products to clients, deliver sales results, and perform other activities that use slide presentations. How To Make A Good …