5 Tips to Make your Software Icon Eye-catching


December 2, 2021

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About Making Your Apps

Software Icon
Sumber : Elegant Themes

These days, you can expect to find that almost everyone uses smartphones for their primary needs. Be it for office jobs, education, social media, and many others; the need to use a smartphone seems essential.  In the same regard, more and more people also use PC and laptops for their own needs. There is one similarity between these two cases: the need for a particular software or app for their activities.

With more and more kinds of activities that require the need for apps to manage them, more developers are already underway to develop apps for particular niches. However, this means that the competition to make the most attention-stealing app icon becomes stiffer than ever. The reason is that even if a particular app contains so many efficient and effective functions, many people will accidentally skip it if its icon does not catch their attention.

To make sure that your software is instantly recognizable to everyone, what can you do?


Software Icon
Sumber : Canva

Either as an inexperienced app designer or vice versa, paying attention to these tips will help you make your software icon design instantly eye-catching.

Use unique symbols

So, what should we do first when we plan to make a recognizable app icon?

The first thing that we have to do is, of course, choosing unique symbols to define your app’s icon. To choose symbols that can define and illustrate your app’s purposes with unparalleled quality, you should opt for symbols related to your app’s functions.

For example, you must use health-related symbols if you are going to make a smart health app. It would be best if you did this particular action to other kinds of apps so that there will be a pitch-perfect correlation between your app’s icon and the app’s functions.

Use the right colours

Your app icon is the representation of the mood of your entire app. To make sure your icon’s mood fits your audience, you must use the right colours to make your app icon.

If you pay attention to popular apps in the Play Store, you can see that they picked colours that matched each other. Moreover, the colours that were chosen for these apps do not convolute each other. It makes these apps instantly recognizable and fits with their purposes.

Don’t use words

Selling an icon can sometimes be difficult, especially if your audience still has no idea your app’s actual functions.

It might tempt you to put some words into your icon to make it more clear. However, please don’t do it! Since your app will only fit a small space in the smartphone or PC, long words will be unreadable at this point.

If you still insist on inserting letters into your icon, you should only use the first letter of your app or your company’s name to make the logo recognizable with a single letter.

Research your competitors

With the saturation of the current market, you should understand what others are doing successfully. You should pay attention to why certain brands managed to make successful businesses that credited their success on their apps’ icons.

Take a look at their icons. Recognizable symbols, letters, colours, and styles? While these are informational, you should see flaws within their icons that can make the icons look cluttered.

Learn as much as you can from the competitors’ successes and flaws so that you can accommodate them to your advantage.

Test your icon

Even though you’ve managed to design an eye-catching app icon, you must test it to measure its success. To do that, you should do an A/B test on your design to see if the icon works.

Currently, Google and Apple offer services for app designers to test their newly designed app icons. With these features, app designers can test multiple versions of the new icon to see if any of them can catch audiences’ attention both on a local and global scale.


Hopefully, with these tips, you will know what to do when trying to design your software icon that can be instantly recognizable to your audience even in just a short glance. Now, do you happen to have some particular needs in designing for your job? Envato Elements is here to help you, and you can take a look at our catalog here!

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