The digital industry is a fast-growing kind of business. Often, it changes in a matter of months, even weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Since the competition is super tight and intense, staying relevant is a constant challenge. Getting noticed is one thing, but keeping the attention on you is also another challenge to fulfill regularly.
The Role of Business Icons In the Digital Industry
That is where business icons play a vital role in the digital industry. They are not only part of the company logos. They can also stand out as part of any company’s business presentations and promotional content. In cyberspace-gradually-adapting-to-Metaverse, they are becoming more relevant and crucial.
Why must they stand out?
Why Business Icons Must Stand Out
People usually notice when they check out companies is their logo. A striking icon for their business is easily remembered. ssOften, it takes at least one block colour but with a simple design. The more complicated the logo is, the easier for people to remember it.
Besides the company logo, business icons also work wonders when you have your presentations for people at work. They help to clarify your meanings in the presentation materials. Not only that, as an audience, you may predict the topic of the presentation just from the very first icon that you see on the slide.
The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many of us around the world to limit our social interactions. Companies have started applying the #WFH (working-from-home) policy. This has also changed the way company run things. Although this has cut the cost of the staff’s transport allowances and reduced the travel time from home to work and back, there is also another price to pay:
Being cooped up too long at home may soon have its unpleasant side effects to some of the staff. Boredom is just one of them. Imagine having minimum interactions with people at work while having to stare at your laptop screen all day long.
This is not just a matter of entertainment, which is not always the case. This is just a matter of keeping your audience engaged – at times like these.
Examples of Fun-Looking Business Icons That Still Look Professional
There are many fun-looking business icons that still look professional. Here are some of the examples, based on these types:
For Education:
To attract younger students in online, you can use attractive icons like colourful pencils and other stationery items. Other icons that may attract college and university students include laptop, papers, a stack of books, and so on. Other icons that will be helpful are those you can also incorporate into infographics.
For other school purposes, fun-looking business icons may attract parents to consider sending their children for future enrollment. Of course, they are not the only things schools have to rely upon. For the first impression, why not?
For Scientific Researches:
Who says research papers must always look boring? Business icons can change that. Yes, the content still matters the most. However, when you represent a company behind the scientific research, you need icons that stand out. For example: the company logo and the test tubes on the the scientific research papers.
For Media and Communication:
If you work in media and communication, having interesting business icons is a must. For example: media company logos like Netflix, Disney Hotstar, and Amazon Prime have the logos that are easily remembered by many. Who doesn’t know Disney’s famous castle and Netlix’s red-letter N? Everywhere you see them, you know them instantly.
For Startup and New Business:
The booming era of digital startups began alongside the bubble dotcom era in the early 2000s. Although not many of them have survived throughout the years, new businesses always emerge from time to time. They still have more creativity in creating fun-looking business icons without removing the professional look on them.
For example: an anagram of your company name.
For Other Promotional Purposes:
All businesses need promotions to attract new customers and more engagement if digital. With the right icons, your business might stand out and turn some eyes your way. For example: you can use digital business icons in survey questionnaires or online quizzes on your company website.
There are many ways to make good use of business icons. Make sure they stand out to be best remembered.