Using Google Slides Templates Like a Pro: 5 Easy Tricks for Beginner


December 7, 2021

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Creating slides for a presentation is often nerve-wrecking, especially if you are not used to deliver a formal presentation. Luckily, Google Slide is there to save us; this presentation program created by Google is a cloud-based application that is accessible from any computer with an Internet connection. All you need to do is just to sign in to your Google account. Google Slides also supports real-time information and collaboration, making your work is easier than ever.

Google slides feature a myriad of professional features, including the ability to format slides, change text, adopt images, embed videos, and more. That being said, the most useful feature of this application is arguably its the availability of templates. Google Slides has a variety of templates created by Google and third-party vendors that you can find easily on Envato.

While using the template is as easy as clicking a button, there are some things you must do to create a professional looking presentation that is easy on the eye as well as capable to deliver the point you try to convey.

Google Slides Templates
Sumber : The Slide Quest

In this article, we are giving you 5 easy tricks to elevate Google Slides templates to another level!

Trick 1: Using pro Templates

Using professional Google Slides templates is a must. Unlike those basic templates provided by Google, professional template has everything you need already presented in one design framework and you only need to change some design elements, such as  images, logos and so on, according to your needs.

Creating a presentation using Google slides from scratch can take hours or even days. With pro templates, you can get them quickly and thus save a lot of your precious time. 

Trick 2: Utilizing Chromecast

Any devices with built-in Chromecast is able to “casting” the display of a device that support pairing. Since Chromecast is just a receiver that doesn’t have its own navigation, you will need another devices, such as smartphones, tablets, iPhones and iPads, and use the Chromecast app available on Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS) to make a connection

Casting you Google Slides templates to a bigger screen during presentation is a definitive pro move. In addition, Chromecast and Google Slides are both Google’s product, so you should find it easier and more convenience to use them since both product is intergrated with each other.

Trick 3: Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Sometimes, you may spend a little bit too much time looking for buttons to start a slideshow, skip slides, and so on while presenting in front of an audience. Fortunately there are keyboard shortcuts you can use while using Google Slideser, making your slides appear smooth in front of the audience.

When using a laptop for presenting some slides, keyboard shortcuts are important to master. The use of shortcut can help reduce anxiety caused by technical problems, so you can focus on more important things, like conveying clear messages to the audience. In addition demonstrating your skill in navigating presentation slides without touching the mouse/touchpad will make you look like a pro.

Trick 4: Enriching Media Usage

Enriching the use of media within your Google Slides templates is important to deliver messages or information in a technical and creative manner, so that the idea you try to convey can be received cleary by the audience.

Some media you can use to enrich the presentation are:

  • Representational images such as pictures, paintings or photographs that show how something looks like.
  • Diagrams depicting the relationships of the concept, organization, and structure of the material content.
  • Roadmap to show spatial relationships between elements in the content of the material.
  • Other graphics, such as tables, graphs, and charts that present a picture/trend of data or between relationships between a set of figures or figures.

Trick 5: Adding Sounds to the Slides

Adding some calm-sounding background music during your presentation is a great way to lit the mood in the room. Since most presentation is conducted in a serious and grim manner, some music might be good to calm your nerve and engage the audience.

Make sure that you use an instrumental music with low volume and relaxing beat; not to fast and definitely not to slow. Google Slides provide some functions to add sound to each slides. Try using this feature to add the calming background music!


Finally, creating a killer presentation with Google Slides templates is not that difficult. In the end, you may spend more time looking for the right template rather than customizing the template itself. Good luck!

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