Script font or typeface is a font style similar to beautifully written handwriting. It can be both formal and casual. This font style often prioritizes beauty rather than readability, especially the casual ones, so it is not perfect to be used for web accessibility or formal letter. However, this typeface is perfect for certain things.
Beautiful Advertisements
The main purpose of advertisements is to make new people interested in spending their money on the products or services as advertised. Therefore, the writings in any advertisements must be beautiful and readable, so they are interesting to read.
There is no use in advertisements if people cannot read them. The beauty of the writings is also needed so people would not feel bored while reading the advertisements. Formal script fonts are recommended as pretty but not as difficult to read as casual ones.
The casual ones, however, can still be used for advertisements. They are great for luring potential new customers and making them read the rest of the advertisements. They just need to be as striking as possible.
Brand Logos with Script Fonts
Besides shapes or graphics, brand names can also be used as logos. The important thing is that the writings of the brand names need to be special to be considered logos. In this modern era, many brands use simple and solid writing for their logos, but some brands are still consistent with the use of prettier script fonts.
Some examples of popular brands still using the beautiful font style for their logos are Barbie, Coca-Cola, Disney, and Ford, among others. They are still consistent with using somewhat rather difficult-to-read fonts as the logos have become iconic with the brands. It would feel a bit odd if Disney changed its logo with a sans serif font.
Letters of Invitation
Invitation letters are not the same as application letters, business letters, or other formal ones. They are often used for less formal or pleasant occasions like birthday or wedding celebrations.
Therefore, the beautiful formal script fonts are perfect to be used to reflect the joy and bring happiness to those receiving the letters. Even though the occasions are less formal, the casual styled ones are not recommended. The readability is also important for any letters so the receivers can understand the messages easily.
Designs on T-shirts
Many people like to wear casual clothes, and a t-shirt is one of the most popular casual clothes. Some people enjoy wearing any t-shirt, even if it is just a one-colored plain t-shirt. However, some people, especially the younger ones, prefer to wear t-shirts with unique designs.
Plenty of graphic designers focus on designing graphics exclusively to be put on t-shirts. The designs can be drawings of characters, animals, things, or even just abstract shapes with some brave color combinations. Other than that, some meaningful words or just any words can also decorate t-shirts.
Some t-shirts have motivational quotes, so simple and clear font styles are preferable so people can read the quotes. On the contrary, most wording designs are intended to make the t-shirts look cool. There are few better choices for coolness than script typeface.
Wordings on Cake
Any kinds of cake need wordings to make the cake special for certain occasions. Every proper cakeshop has someone whose job is to write those wordings by hand with a piping bag. Another option is to print the wordings digitally, so a font style similar to handwriting is a must.
For cake wordings, the words or phrases are often just short remarks like “happy birthday” or “congratulations”, so the font’s aesthetic is prioritized more than its readability. There are plenty of font styles that can, but none better than some beautifully designed script fonts for cake wordings.
Sometimes, beautiful handwriting is better than a solid computer-styled font. You can find a lot of cool font styles on the internet, and some of the best choices are script fonts from AQR Studio. Choose the perfect typeface that suits your style, so your works would be better for you and the people consuming your works.
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